UGVCL have Customer care center for the booking online complain of the customer of the company in 24 hour customer care center. You can book complaint on 19121 OR Toll free number 1800 233 155335 OR WhatsApp on 9825819121 OR E-Mail to, HT Consumer Complaint No. 6356620021.
It has following specialities:
Single Window Complaint Management System
GIS Equipped
Customer has not to wander from table to table for any query, he will get answers from single window only
Person sitting at the Care Center can have the history of particular customer or of Particular Case on the clicks of the computer so he can straight forward, and confidently reply to the customer about the issue.
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This site is Developed & Designed by IT Department of UGVCL
Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited, Mehsana.